Shattered Threads: Part 2
by A.L. Lorensen
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show notes
In this episode you’ll hear the second half of a short story from A.L. Lorensen filled with threads of magic, dragons, and mystery. Shattered Threads: Part 2 is narrated by Karyne Norton.
Important Links:
The Author: A.L. Lorensen’s website
The Narrator: Karyne Norton’s website
full transcript
Karyne (00:00:07) – Hi fantasy readers. This is Karyne Norton, your fellow book binger, and you are listening to the Finding Fantasy Reads podcast where you can test out a new fantasy story every single week to find your next favorite author.
Last week you heard the first half of Shattered Threads, and this week you’ll get to hear the end of it. So if you haven’t heard the first part yet, be sure to go back and listen. This story is rich with magic, family ties, and forlorn dragons, so you can’t jump in at the halfway mark. It’s written by A.L. Lorensen, who I had the pleasure of meeting in person last year at FanX in Salt Lake City. I think it’s a yearly thing for her, so if you’re headed that way in September, you’ll have to hunt her down. Stick around to the end or check out today’s show notes to see where you can find more from Ashley.
I also have a quick two-question survey about the future of the podcast that I’d love for you all to chime in on, which I’ll explain after the story. In the meantime, please enjoy Shattered Threads, Part 2, by A.L.
Karyne (00:01:15) – Shattered Threads, Part 2 is read by Karyne Norton. Due to copyright, the full transcript of the story cannot be included here.
Karyne (00:41:18) – I hope you enjoyed listening to Shattered Threads, Part 2 by A.L. Lorensen, narrated by Karyne Norton. If you want to read more by Ashley, go to to find more of her books. While there, sign up for her newsletter to snag your free e-book copy of Where Demons Rest which is such a fun story. You can also listen along to it because it was the fourth episode ever featured on Finding Fantasy Reads, and I’ll have a link to it in the show notes.
I’m pretty sure Ashley was the fastest and most emphatic author to ever reply “yes” to my email inviting her onto the podcast, to the point that she even offered a blood oath. I did not take her up on the offer, but it’s so nice to know authors and listeners alike are enjoying what the podcast has to offer, especially since she was eager to come back again after having an initial positive experience. I love the little community that we’re building through the podcast.
In fact, one listener requested a way to chat with other listeners about the stories. I hemmed and hawed over this one because any space like that requires time and moderation. One thing I’m considering doing is creating a Discord server in connection with my brother’s Discord. That way he and I can both chime in now and then, but it would mostly be a space for all of you to connect as listeners and maybe even a space where featured authors will want to chime in to answer any questions. But before I go to the effort of setting something like that up, I want to know if it’s something you as listeners would actually want.
So I have a two-question survey set up at I simply want to know first, if you’re even interested in a space like that on Discord, and second, if you’re interested and available in assisting with moderation. I don’t anticipate needing many moderators at first, so don’t feel bad if you say no, but I can’t manage the space alone. So if this is something you want, go fill out the survey, and then I will probably get it set up in the next month or so if you guys want it. So be on the lookout for more information. As always, I will have links for all the sites I’ve mentioned, including the survey, in the show notes.
Thank you all for listening, and happy reading!
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Featured Author

Lorensen graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree from Utah State University May of 2019. She got married January of 2020, and they’ve made their home at the base of the beautiful mountains that encase Cache Valley, Utah with their cat, Muse (A. K. A. Maow-Maow, Kitten, Butt-head, Baby, or Bed-Shark). Despite the fact that Lorensen hates the cold and the snow, and Cache Valley winters last nearly six months out of the year, she still loves it there. She’s not sure she could have found a better place for herself at this time in her life, even if she tried. She’s been writing ever since she can remember, and her goal in life is to never run out of stories to tell.
Here’s where you can get your free copy of Where Demons Rest.

Karyne Norton hasn’t found the key to time travel, immortality, or infinite lives, so she’s taking a break from nursing and photography to focus on raising four human beings while writing epic fantasy.